3 Tips To Help You Keep Your Concrete Driveway Long-Lasting And Well-Maintained

Your home's concrete driveway adds a great deal of value and aesthetic appeal to your home, so it is important to keep it well maintained and looking nice. To help keep your driveway lasting as long as 30 years, here are three tasks you can do to your driveway to keep it free of vegetation, in good repair, and clean. Remove Weed Growth As your concrete driveway ages, heavy vehicles and freeze-thaw cycles in northern climates can cause your concrete to crack.

Dealing With Reinforced Concrete Slabs

Although concrete is a relatively strong material in its own right, its low tensile strength means that it often benefits from reinforcement. Adding a framework of reinforcement bars (or rebar, for short) in a concrete structure can help it last for a long time. Unfortunately, this can add a slight wrinkle to your demolition plans, since you'll have to figure out how to quickly and efficiently break down the rebar along with the concrete.